Thursday 22 July 2010

Bad day

I am seriously unhappy tonight.

The day started out alright. Found an old stp album to listen to in the car on the way to work. Cheered up a friend with a gift of a bag with a dancing cat on it. It was alright.
But something happened. I don't really know what, I've not been feeling particularly inspired or happy the past few days. Just grumpy and sulky (and I am not even hormonal!!) All afternoon and evening I've been having intermittent cramps in my left thigh, and right now, right at this moment I wish it'd just f*** off so I can get some decent rest!!

Of course I don't deal with these things sensibly not like my laid back happy husband does. On the scale of pessimism/optimism we are pretty much at opposite ends of the spectrum.
I try and change, but its hard. Especially when you are tired and peeved off, and the thing you want to escape from you can't, because its your own effing body!

So... My hopes to turn this blog into a place to pour my inspirations and thoughts seems to have failed at the first hurdle. But you need somewhere to unleash (if that's the right word, perhaps unload is more apt) your feelings, get them out there in the world, no matter who would read it or not, or hear it or not, you just need to let it all out!!

I think it helps your brain process thoughts, makes everything seem much more manageable and realistic again!

Looks like my husband may have had an insect decide he was tasty, and its chowed down on his bottom! I'll not share any more! :) just an observation while he's snoring here beside me in bed!

I'm feeling really quite sleepy too actually. I'll just record some of hubbys snoring for evidence that he really DOES snore, and then try and settle down myself.

Goodnight blog world. Sleep tight xxx
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Friday 16 July 2010

Early morning

This morning I was awake early. Darren always gets up earlier than me for work, and I normally go back to sleep, but this morning I was wide awake.
No amount of extra cusions to snuggle down in was making me sleepy.
It was quite nice to take a really relaxing slow morning.

Thursday 15 July 2010


I am thinking of making some changes. Well. Truth be told I am in the process of making some changes.
Big ones too!
We are de cluttering and redecorating the whole house, and in the process, making things more workable for the changes that will be happening.
I need to do more that makes me happy, I need to be inspired and I have decided to write this blog on all the things that make me happy and inspire me.
That may be types of interior design, it may be healthy enjoyable eating, or it may be something else entirely.

We'll see how things go, but I want to document these changes in my life and have something to look back at and lift my spirits on those down days we always have, especially it seems when we are striving towards a goal.

But I have my goals in sight, and I am going to give it my all to get to them!
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Thursday 1 July 2010

Lovely cup of tea

Just thought I'd share this little picture of me with my Minni Mouse mug I was given for my birthday. I love it!! :)

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I made it back to Weight Watchers last night.

After a month off, and slacking off and not going last week, I finally bit the bullet and decided to just get on with it, go, get weighed, survey the damage and take a positive step towards getting healthier, slimmer and happier.

So, I arrived (10 min early as it happens!) queued up and got weighed. Since my last WI on June 2nd, I have put on 5lbs.
So a month off, a wedding, a honeymoon (a week of which was all inclusive) and a birthday where I was spoilt rotten all included and ONLY 5lbs on!! :DDDDD

I am super happy with that. Back on track today and feeling fab about being healthier again! :)

Feeling fab about a lot of things actually. feeling happier with my job, not completely but I can see a future for me here with a few changes, and think I might be able to make it work for me eventually going part time/working from home. Which is the eventual goal of course for when we (hopefully) start a family.
That with my decision to get into my photography a bit more again, and develop that into selling prints, paintings, drawings etc online, plus a possible stint in mystery shopping or brochure drops, perhaps not exciting, but if it means I can look after my children at home, get a wee doggy and keep some variety so I do not get bored, I am all for it.

We also have a makeover plan in place for the house. all in all things are looking good and are on the up. Yay! :)